Here you can find my school projects that I thought would be worth showing on my website.
2nd grade
This is the year in which we started learning the basics of web development in school. They look quite boring (especially the first few), but I still chose to show them because in my opinion they show my progress when it comes to web development very well.
These websites are static HTML sites which I had to port over so that I could display them on this site which is a Next.js site.
I think I did a pretty good job, but note that some sites may not work properly. ;)
Vacation Photos
A page where I display three photos from my vacations.
A few important links with different fonts and colors.
New Startpage
A new start page which was made by using a template from w3schools.
A CSS table resembling a Nokia phone with various icons in different sizes.
CSS Properties
A page which displays various CSS properties.
CSS Properties Total
Another page which features a new start page and various CSS properties.
JS Exercises
Three beginner JavaScript exercises.
JS Euler Problems
Three problems from Project Euler programmed in JavaScript.
Game Descriptions
Descriptions for the upcoming games that Nina Moritz and I will make.
The games that Nina Moritz and I made! (still in progress)
PHP Homework 1
Three beginner PHP exercises
PHP Homework 2
A form made with PHP.
PHP Homework 3
PHP Homework 3 that I made in collaboration with Nina Moritz.